The Next Generation PharmaDeals
By Fintan Walton
Pharma Deals Review: Vol 2008 Issue 96 (Table of Contents)
Published: 5 May-2008
DOI: 10.3833/pdr.v2008.i96.183 ISSN: 1756-7874
Section: Business Commentaries
lt;pgt;Twelve years ago we launched PharmaDeals, and in that time we have built both a considerable database of over 28,000 records and a considerable archive of articles analysing the deal activities of not-for-profit institutions, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. Despite the success of PharmaDeals, we have not been sitting on our laurels, and, instead have embarked on the biggest revamp of the product since its launch twelve years ago.#160; This month we launch the next generation PharmaDeals v2, which has a whole range of exciting new benefits to users that accelerate the product way past its competitors. lt;/pgt;lt;pgt;#160;lt;/pgt;
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