The Culture of Deal Making
By Fintan Walton
Pharma Deals Review: Vol 2006 Issue 74 (Table of Contents)
Published: 1 Aug-2006
DOI: 10.3833/pdr.v2006.i74.482 ISSN: 1756-7874
Section: Business Commentaries
Key to the negotiation of deals is a recognition of the sometimes subtle differences between cultures, and an understanding of how decisions are made inside organisations. Culture has a particular role to play in determining the decision-making process, which may also be quite different in publicly quoted and family-owned companies. In the end, negotiation is a form of communication. Making sure you are clearly understood is essential, and understanding the body language of other cultures is vital. Ultimately, truly knowing who you are negotiating with will help you enormously, and understanding the processes of decision making, and ensuring that you are being clear and polite, will assist you greatly.
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